Friday, June 26, 2015

Grandma's Photo Album Page 86 - Tom Snyder Family in Wilkes County, N.C.

(Top left) Tom and Nora's five children, from youngest to oldest:
  • Bette (living)
  • Ralph (1932-1996)
  • Mozelle (living)
  • Carrie (1926-2001)
  • Jimmy (1922-1993), served in the Coast Guard from 1939-1946
Photo was taken in the early 1940's on the family farm in Millers Creek, Wilkes County, N.C.

(Top right) Horse, name unknown.  Is this the back of Tom and Nora's house?

(Bottom left) Tom and Nora near a front porch.  I don't think it's their house because of all the bushes.  But maybe they cut them down?  This photo must have been taken on a Sunday because they are dressed up.

Tom was Wiley Thomas Snyder (1892-1988).
Nora was Nora Bessie McNeil Snyder (1900-1992).

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Grandma's Photo Album Page 84 - Snyders on the Blue Ridge Parkway and in Massachusetts in Winter

The Tom and Nora Snyder family and friends drove up to the Blue Ridge Parkway about 1950.

(Top left) Betty (living) and Mozelle (living) with one of the Broyhill girls. 

(Bottom left) Left to right:  Mrs. Broyhill holding one of her daughters, Nora Snyder, another Broyhill girl, then Betty and Mozelle. 

(Bottom right) Nora and Tom Snyder.  Nora Bessie McNeil (1900-1992) wears a shawl that I believe her mother knitted.  Clara Eva Hettie Ellen Jarvis McNeil (1873-1959) knit a shawl for each of her six daughters.  The shawls were double-sided, different color on each side.  But Nora still looks cold! 

Tom was Wiley Thomas Snyder (1892-1988).  It must be a Sunday because he is not wearing denim overalls, he is wearing his Sunday best suit.

(Top right) Tom and Nora's oldest son, Jimmy, by his Airstream Trailer in Gloucester, Mass.  James Neil Snyder (1922-1993) joined the Coast Guard in 1939.  While serving, his ship was in the Gloucester area, and he met his future wife, Kay (living).  Jim and Kay lived near Kay's family. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Grandma's Photo Album Page 83 - Will Snyder Family in Winston-Salem about 1922

This is the Will Snyder family.  Based on the children's ages, I believe these photos were taken about 1922, probably in a photographer's studio in Winston-Salem, where they lived.

Will was my grandfather's brother.  William Eugene Snyder (1890-1969) married Myrtle Stewart (1897-1972) in Winston-Salem in 1913.  They had three children.  The two oldest are in these pictures.
  • The boy is William Eugene Snyder Jr (1917-1991).
  • The girl is Ruth Mae Snyder (1920-1995).
Uncle Will was an engineer with R. J. Reynolds' Tobacco Company for 40 years (1919-1969).  He was also a Primitive Baptist preacher.