Friday, November 28, 2014

Grandma's Photo Album Page 67 - Snyders in Wilkes County, NC

(Top left)  I don't know who this man is.  He looks like a Snyder.  I guess this photo was taken about 1950  (since the edging on the photo is the same as the other photos on this page).  I assume this is in Wilkes County.

(Top right)  My mother, Carrie Snyder (1926-2001), pretending to play golf on her father's farm in Millers Creek, Wilkes County, NC.

(Lower left)  I don't know who these young people are.  The bicycle in front is really nice!  The house in the background is my grandparents' farm house in Millers Creek.

(Lower right)  I recognize all of these people!  They are my mother and her 4 siblings, left to right:
  • James Neil Snyder (1922-1993)
  • Carrie Snyder (1926-2001)
  • Ralph Lewis Snyder (1932-1996)
  • Mozelle (living)
  • Bette (living)
This photo was probably taken on their parents' farm in Millers Creek.

Grandma's Photo Album Page 66 - Snyder Sisters-in-Law in Wilkes County, NC

Carrie and Kay modeling on the farm in Wilkes County, NC.  Kay was married to Carrie's brother.  They sure looked a lot alike!

In the photo at left, Kay (living) is in the strapless gown, and Carrie Snyder (1926-2001) is in the kimono.

I think this photo was taken about 1950.  I believe Carrie got the kimono when she worked in Washington, D.C., as a pediatric nurse in the late 1940's / early 1950's.  There was a female Dr. Snyder who worked with her, and the doctor got many invitations to embassy parties.  She would sometimes give the invitation to my mother (since she had the same last name).  The embassies had a souvenir area where the attendees could buy things.  My mother had an evening gown to wear to these events.  I played dress-up in them as a little girl!