To find my tree, I suggest searching for my grandmother, Nora Bessie McNeil, born 1900, died 1992.
On Ancestry Library Edition or the subscriber version, select Search, then All Collections, then fill in her name and birth and death dates. Specify "Exact" on each field. Click the Search box. At the top of the results, you'll see a tree. My tree is the Snyder-McNeil Family Tree. If the tree shown is not this one, click "See more like this" to see all the trees.
I am not "done" with this tree -- it is a work in progress. I'm working my way back in time, so I only have stubs for the older generations. Still, I thought people might like to look at it. The view shown in this post is the "pedigree view" which has this icon
If you see any errors in the tree, please let me know!