Friday, January 11, 2019

Died 130 years ago: Nicholas Godfrey Stout

My great-great-great grandfather Nicholas Godfrey Stout died on January 11, 1889. He was born about 1808 and lived his entire life in Johnson County, TN. I don't have any photos of him but here's his obituary (printed in The Tennessee Tomahawk on 18 Jan 1889):

NICHOLAS STOUT died last Friday evening about 4 o'clock.  He was 81 years old.  When about 20 years old he married Catharine Wagner with whom he lived a quiet and peaceful life to the day of his death.  To use his own words "We have lived together sixty years and have never had any short words or hard feelings."  He had been a member of the Baptist Church nearly 50 years.  At his own request his remains were interred on the old farm not far from his dwelling.  A large crowd of friends and relatives assembled last Sunday morning to witness the last sad rites.

Nicholas' wife applied for a mother's pension for their son Jacob who died while serving in the Union Army during the Civil War.  Dr. Abraham Crosswhite described Nicholas' health in an 1870 affadavit for this pension application:

The said Nicholas G Stout ... from old age, and chronic rheumatism, has been wholly incapacitated to make a subsistence by manual labor; that said disease, during said time, embracing a period of ten years past, has affected his shoulders, arms, back, hips, knees, legs, and feet; that the muscles and tendons of his feet, hands and knees have been so contracted that he could with difficulty walk, or use his hands for any useful purpose …  he has also suffered greatly from cramp in his legs which have assumed a very unnatural appearance.
 It seems he suffered greatly during the last years of his life.

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