Monday, July 20, 2015

Jacob W. Stout, age 22, died June 11, 1865

Jacob W. Stout of Johnson County, Tennessee, was a son of my 3rd great grandparents, Nicholas Godfrey Stout and his wife Catherine Wagner.  At age 19, Jacob was 6'1", a farmer, with a fair complexion, blue eyes, and light hair.  He was single and lived with his parents.  He enrolled on September 22, 1863 in Washington County, Tennessee, in the Union Army.  Originally in Co. K, he quickly joined Co. F of the 13th Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry. 

He mustered in on November 8, 1863 in Strawberry Plains, Tennessee.  Captured two days later at Morristown, Tennessee, he was a Prisoner of War in Virginia for over 3 months.  He returned to his company but was captured again a year later.  Admitted to a hospital in January 1865 with chronic diarrhea, he suffered for months as he was transferred to hospitals in Virginia, Maryland, and Tennessee until his death on June 10 in Nashville, age 22.   

Here is the letter sent to his father informing him of Jacob’s death:

Here is my transcription:

United States Christian Commission
Nashville  June 13, 1865

Mr. Nicholas G. Stout,
Dear Sir,
It becomes my duty to inform you that your son - Jacob- died at Cumberland Hosp on the evening of

It was my privilege to see him on the day of his decease.  He was calm.  He knew that his end was rapidly approaching.  On the week previous, I had a long conversation with him about his imprisonment at Danville Va - and also as to his personal salvation.  He informed me that he had been imprisoned for three months and a half.  He also expressed a hope in Christ and informed me that he had determined to profess Christ as soon as he could have a favorable opportunity.  As to his effects.  He desired me to write to you and inform you that then ? (9) nine months of wages and $275.00 dollars bounty coming to him - that he desired you to draw it - also to give twenty five dollars a piece to each of his brothers - also and twenty five dollars to Jacob his nephew son of his brother Daniel. Hoping that this letter may come to hand.
I remain
Respect Yours &c. 
J.P. Stockton
Delegate Chs. Commission

1) Compiled service record, Pvt. Jacob W. Stout, Co F, 13th Tennessee Cavalry (Union); Civil War Service Records, Civil War; NARA M395; digital images, Fold3 ( : accessed 17 Jul 2015).
2) Pvt. Jacob W. Stout, Co F, 13th Tennessee Cavalry, Civil War (Union), Mother's Certificate 144.154 for Catherine Stout; Civil War and Later Pension Files; Department of Veterans Affairs, Record Group 15; National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Grandmas's Photo Album - Page 89 - Snyder Family in Wilkes County, N.C. and McLean Family in Gloucester, Mass.

(Top left)  Bette (living), Carrie Mae Snyder (1926-2001), Mozelle (living) - photo taken about 1945 in Wilkes County, N.C.

(Bottom left)  The Airstream trailer that Jim and Kay live in while in Gloucester, Mass.  Kay (living) is 2nd from left.  Jim (1922-1993) is at the far right.  I believe the 2 men are named McLean, but I don't recognize the women.

(Bottom center) Bette

(Right) I don't recognize this child.  If anyone has an idea, please let me know!