W.T. is still at Fort Jackson, S.C. I just love his first sight of an ostrich at the Columbia Zoo (page 3).
On page 5, he heard the other boys, such as his brother John Snyder, won't be drafted until the autumn. But John
was inducted into the U.S. Army in Wilkesboro on March 30, 1918.
The W. A. Bumgarner family (page 6) were Nora's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Bumgarner, who had 2 sons and 2 daughters. Mrs. Bumgarner was Mary Alice McNeil, Nora's father's sister, called "Aunt Alice".
March 15, 1918
Hello! Miss Nora -
Will take greatest pleasure in answer to your letter. Was more than glad to hear from you again. Say Nora, I wonder, didn’t you get that large picture I sent you. If you didn’t, I sure will send you another one, but hope you got it. They wasn't very good tho'. Now you send me one of yours. Say, Miss Nora, I am coming up next week and I will
[March 15, 1918 - page 2]
bring my Kodak box and we will have some pictures made and I can get one of yours that way. Ha. The reason I didn’t get off last week. They was two of our boys all ready and our Captain won’t [wouldn't] let but one or two out at a time. I think I can get off next week. Hope so any way. It [has] been real hot weather down here but guess it [is] not so very hot up there yet. The woods and grass are green.

[March 15, 1918 - page 3]
It looks like real summer time down here. The girls out in their white dresses. Wish you could see be down here and see the boys drill some time. It [is a] sight in the world how many boys they are here just the same size and all the time ready for form and believe me we have fun too. I and my church went to Columbia Park last Sat. Eve. and believe me we sure did have some more fun. We taken some pictures. I will send you one when they get back if they are good. I wish you could see that Park. Believe me they sure is something in there to see. Large Deer and camel. arich to [Ostrich too]. ‘Bout the size of a mule with feathers on them and wings too. I never saw such things in all [the] days of my life. Their neck are ‘bout long as you are - 5' long or 5½.

[March 15, 1918 - page 4]
to the prettiest place I ever saw. When the war is over we will go through, Nora, and take a good look as we go long. And the long river is nice too. They have got steam boats on it and the longest bridge I ever saw. The soldiers down here sure do see lots of fun over town with the girls. The whole town is lit up at night with gas and believe me it sure does look good at night. I am glad the
[March 15, 1918 - page 5]
boys up home do not have to go away to camp until next fall. Guess John is some glad of that. I am for him anyway. I wish the war would come to a close so all of us boys could go back home. I want to see home so bad I can’t hardly wait until next week comes. Are you going to look down the road this time. Guess you won’t for I didn’t come the other time.
[March 15, 1918 - page 6]
I hope I won’t fool my folks this time. My sister sent me a large box of apples and believe me I sure did eat apples. They was fine. I would like to see Mr. W. A. Bumgarners folks. I sure did enjoy going to see them always when I would come home from W.S. Tell your sister a big old Hello and the rest of them too. I can leave Columbia one Eve. and get home the next day late. Wish you was down here to go to the moving picture shows with me ever Wed. and Sat. nights. They are good and something new ever night. I would give anything most to be with you. I could enjoy myself fine I know. Tell your Father I have got some thing very funny to tell him. So I will close for this time. Hoping to hear from you again soon. I am with Best wishes your true friend. Mech. W. T. Snider