Thursday, August 11, 2016

Courting Miss Nora - March 2, 2018

Even though 6 months have passed since W.T.'s last letter to Nora (that I have), he's still in Camp Jackson, near Columbia, S.C. as a private in the U.S. Army. 

March 2, 1918
Hello!  Miss Nora-
          I rec'd [received] your letter all ok and was real glad to hear from you again. I wonder what you are doing for a little bit of fun.  I am having a good time tonight making music.  Wish you was here.  I could play better I know.  I sure do want to come home.

[page 2] Guess maybe I will get to come next week or I am going to try and get a pass any[way].  And if the captain will let me come look out down the road and you  will see me coming. Ha. You know it's bad to be a way from home especially in in the camp in war time. I did want to see old John before he went away but guess he will be gone before I get to come home. Tho' don’t differ when he goes.  I will see him. I can get off long enough to visit him most any two or three days at a time. Tell your Pop to raise ever thing he can to sell for it going to take something to run all the soldier.

[page 3] Ever thing is so high [expensive] down here.  It [is] a sight in the world and what will it be next fall.

Say Nora I sent one of my large pictures home.  They cost ten dollars a doz.  Wish you could see one. I am going to have one half doz. more printed and I will send you one.  So be a real good girl.  I am yours.
Mechanic, W. T. Snider

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